SKU: GP01050
Vertical deflection
Deflection Coefficient (CH1 & CH2)
1mV/div to20V/div
5mV/div to 20V/div in calibrated steps in 1,2,5 sequences
x5 magnification increase the sensitivity to 1 mV/div and 2mV/div (LED indication).
Accuracy : ±3%
Bandwidth :
DC-20MHz(-3db) dc coupled
10Hz-20MHz(-db)ac coupled.
Rise time :
17ns or less
Display modes :
Ch1 only, CH1 or CH2 alternate or chop mode. Algebric addition CH1 + CH2,
Algebric subtration CH1 ˜ CH2, CH2 invert and X-Y
Input Impedance : 1M ohm and 25pF. (approx.)
Max. Input Voltage :
400V (dc + Peak ac)
Internal Trigger Signal :
CH1 or CH2 signal.
Time Base
Sweep speeds : 0.5 us/div to 0.2s/dv in 18 calibrated steps (1,2,5, sequences).
Sweep Magnifier :
x10Magnification extends sweep to 50ns/dic.
Accuracy : ±5%
Variable :
Uncalibrated continuously veriable control between steps extends slowest sweep to 0.5s/div (approx.).
Horizontal deflection
Horizontal input via CH2 (CH1 operates as Y)
Deflection Coefficient :
Same as CH2
Bandwidth: DC-1MHz (-3db)
Input Impedance : 1M ohm and 25pF(approx.).
Trigger system
Modes :
Automatic or normal level selection.
Source :
Internal or external (ac coupled)
Slope : Positive or negative.
Senstivity :
Mode Freq-Range INT EXT
AUTO 30Hz-20MHz 1 div 1Vp-p
NORM 10Hz-20MHz 1div 1Vp-p
General information :
Cathode Ray Tube
95mm Flat face CRT with internal graticule.
8x10div blue non-illuminated.Verticle and horizontal center lines marked in 5 minor divisions per major divisions.(1 div = 0.65 cm)
Calibrator :
Provides 0.2V ±2%, 1KHz square wave output.
Power Requirement :
115 V/230 V AC nominal,50/60Hz.
Dimensions (WxHxD)
130(H) x 285(W) x 375(D)mm
Weight : 6.7 Kg. approx.(Including batteries)
Accessories :
Standard : Instruction manual, 2 Input leads, 1 external DCinput cable.
Optional : High impedance switch probe with x1 or x10 attenuation, Trolley.
Enviromental Specification :
Normal :100C to 400C RH 85%
Operational 00C to500C RH 85%
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